My Abuela
Pearl May Hylton, Inspiration
This is my abuela, Pearl.
Pearl May Hylton was born in Brown’s Town, St. Ann, Jamaica. A dressmaker by trade, Pearl loved to sew, garden, cook, and bake – all traits she passed on to my mother and me. A pearl symbolises wisdom, loyalty, generosity, integrity, and purity, and Pearl embodied all of these qualities. Her wisdon touched the lives of many in her long time walking this earth. Though she may not physically be with us anymore, her spirit lives on in me and those she blessed, and I am honoured to carry on her legacy.
“Crafting is a way to express your soul without words” – Unknown

About Me
Nikaela Bryan, Owner
Hiya! My name is Nikaela (she/her/ella/they).
I am a scientific doctor by day, a gamer by night, and an artist in between! I am an extroveted introvert (and yes, you read that correctly lol) that loves animals, puzzles, being weird, and crafting. I love to have random dance parties around my craft room and love to make those around me happy.